I was at school and we were going launch a nuke Pluto (for a reason I'm not sure of). But the person who launched the nuke only launched it two feet away, and everyone in the city died. But, the people who where in a 2 mile radius of were the nuke exploded survived, much like the Ray Sphere from inFAMOUS, with only slight deformation from the radiation (ex. I had a huge ass claw coming out of my right shoulder). Being a mutant thing wasn't so bad, especally if you were closer to were to where the nuke went off because then you would look normal (if you were about half a mile away, you would look like the flood from Halo). It was an awesome dream, but then I had to freakin wake up. >:(
Ah the Ray sphere, it never let me down.
What if you were not close to the explosion then you would get the energy sucked out of you (or what ever the hell the ray sphere does)